Payment Disputes
Disputing a payment or charging back to SacredLabyrinth will result in a permanent ban from our server. There is no way to get unbanned for this.
Punishment Evasion
For example, using an alternate Minecraft account to join our servers or use chat when you are not allowed to.
Using exploits or abusing bugs to serve as an advantage on your end is not allowed. This can include abusing spawners/having spawners found anywhere other than cave dungeons.
Using a VPN or proxy is not allowed.
False Reports
You cannot falsely report innocent players if you know they did not do anything wrong. You cannot make allegations against someone.
If you are found to have purposefully lied, plagiarized, or attempted to mislead in your staff/developer/builder application your application will be immediately void.
Unfair Advantages
Using unfair advantages such as using a hacked client, auto clicker, macros or anything that serves as an unfair advantage will result in a punishment.
Scamming, Griefing, Manipulating
All of the following is not allowed on our server to ensure a safe friendly community.
Do not impersonate other players, figures or related.
Real World Trading
Selling in-game items for real world money, or product, service is not allowed.
Massive farms of anything on our servers is not allowed. If we detect your farm is causing any client side (FPS) or server side (TPS) lag we will remove your farm. This rule also applies to any excessive entities such as mobs, item-frames, chests, spawners, and so on.
Threatening other players, staff members, is not allowed. DDOS or related threats are prohibited.
Inappropriate Discussions
Any non child friendly discussions is not allowed. You cannot discuss explicit topics such as sexual, suicide, drugs, profanity, and so on.
Spamming, Flooding, or Similar Messages
Spamming our chat such aa repeating the same message over and over again is not allowed. Spamming characters to spam the chat is not allowed.
Encouraging Rule Breaking
Encouraging other players to break the rules is not allowed.
Promoting anything non SacredLabyrinth related is not allowed. Advertising other Minecraft servers is not allowed. Avoid self promotion unless it is SacredLabyrinth related.
Being toxic towards staff members, players, SacredLabyrinth, or to Minecraft is not allowed. We have a zero tolerance for toxicity as we want to keep our community a friendly place.
Do not harass other players by trolling them, being annoying, causing trouble, or related.
Personal Information
Do not leak your own personal information or someone else’s. This may include someone's full name, where they live, or similar.
Begging for items
We ask no players beg other players or staff members for items, perks, and so on.